Toast doesnt know how to code.

Hello everynyan!

:33< Hi im TouhouFanToast a.k.a ur local car seat headrest fan ((psst!! this website is a work in progress!!))

My purrent interests are Touhou, Homestuck, ULTRAKILL, astronomy, horror, vocaloid and a bunch more :P

ill mainly be putting my art stuffs here, but i also want to get into music, game developing and storytelling

shoutout to Butter's website for motivating me to finally do something with this account thats been gathering dust for a mew months now,,, You can check out their website here B]

i also go by TechturnAstronomer, WalkingBiohazard, and some others >w<

Here are some people whose music i listen to sometimes that make me go hell yeah

Here are some osts i like

schoolwork has been pretty tiring lately so ill (hopefully) start actually working on this website during winter break (as of writing it is currently the 27th of september 2024) so yeah

uuuuh thats it i guess???

My final message, Listen to Antonymph by VyletPony and play ultrakill, goodbye